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Women Who Lead

Do you realize the tremendous impact your leadership can have, regardless of the context?

Whether you are guiding a team at work, nurturing your family at home, or serving your community, your influence is invaluable. Invest in your leadership skills and maximize your potential to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you. 


Helping you move from...

  • Fragmented to better work/life balance.

  • Exhausted to leading from the overflow.

  • Increased ability to lead others well.

  • Frustrated to confident boundaries.

  • Navigation toward job satisfaction/transition.

Coaching closes the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Let Janae help you!


Small or large groups

  • Leadership development topics like Stress Management, Having Hard Conversations, and Small Habits Make Big Changes.

  • Spiritual Growth topics like Courage to Continue, Hearing From God, and Spiritual Disciplines That Matter.

Janae can use the above themes or design a focus around the needs of your group. Let Janae help you!

God's Word Gives Hope
Podcast | Blog

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Spiritual Direction

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